About Lauren

I have always been interested connecting people with healthcare solutions and empowering them to better manage their own health. I believe, particularly in America, people often take a passive role in their own well being and there is so much we can do for ourselves to live our best and healthiest lives. There is a gap between the healthcare resources available, and knowledge about (and access to) those resources. Much of this can be resolved through communication, though our healthcare system is lacking in many fundamental ways. Some - though not all - gaps can be addressed via digital health.

I focused my MBA on a dual specialization in Marketing and Health Sector Management, and coming out of graduate school spent many years in Consumer Health, where I led marketing efforts for several top OTC brands at Merck and later at Bayer. OTC and other Consumer Health products are readily available tools that people can use to better manage their own health and well-being.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to join a startup in the Digital Therapeutics (DTx) space. Entering the world of DTx products was like stepping into the future of healthcare! DTx products inspire me because these are apps or software programs that are clinically validated to actually have measurable impacts on health conditions. I believe that technology in healthcare is a powerful enabler and there is so much more it can do.

The digital health industry is still in its infancy, and as the various players work through access, reimbursement and user experience we will see a dramatic shift in how people leverage these tools.. I am excited to be part of this journey and can’t wait to see where the industry is in the years to come.